
Cubes Magazine Features Cinemaxx Junior


The DP Design project was showcased in the Aug/Sep 2016 issue of Cubes magazine for redefining the movie-going experience for children through seamlessly blending cinema and playground typologies.

Having explored cinema typologies in Singapore for years, DP Design was ready to push the envelope and proposed a completely hybrid typology with Cinemaxx, where the playground function is integral to the screening area.

The concept was implemented at Maxxbox Lippo Village, a Lippo-owned mall located in Tangerang (one of Jakarta’s satellite cities). The 750sqm Cinemaxx Junior comprises a screening room with a seating capacity of 108 (adults included) as well as play areas in eight zones, two of which are located directly in front of the screen. Children are not constrained to assigned seats, but are encouraged to explore the play and screening areas during screening, and also socialise with other children in a fun and safe environment. They can slide down or crawl through an opening from the main play area to reach the screening room, which contains four types of seating (sofa beds, regular cinema seats, loungers and beanbag seats). Parents and guardians do not have to worry and can leave older kids unchaperoned as there are staff assigned to supervise the children.

The interior design emphasises safety, tactility and interaction through function, aesthetics, range of play equipment and lighting, achieving a good balance of high physicality and low-impact activities for a fun, diverse and dynamic environment. In addition, the non-specific circulation and programmatic paths encourage freedom of expression and independent thought.